
DAY 8 Outline – WISDOM FOR THE WILDERNESS (21-Day Yearly Prayers and Fasting – JAN, 2025)








WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP 2025 (PREMIUM EDITION) Day 8   Theme:         RIDING ON THE HIGH PLACES OF THE EARTH Texts:             Isa.8:18, 49:5, 58:8-11,14   Topic:            WISDOM FOR THE WILDERNESS Subtexts: Deut.8:1-10, 23:12-14   The global socio-political situation is akin to the state of a wilderness with all the harshness, and dangers that lurk in both day and night. So drawing lessons from people that survived wilderness experiences will be beneficial (Rom.15:4).   The Bible is replete with people that survived in the wilderness.   Hagar was left in the wilderness on 2 occasions and she survived (Gen.16:7; 21:14).   Ishmael was moved into it, adapted and grew to be an archer and succeeded (Gen. 21:24). Joseph was first cast into a pit in the wilderness from where his journey to the palace began (Gen.37:21). Moses spent the mid-third of his life being trained as a shepherd in the wilderness before confronting Pharaoh and spending the last third with the Israelites there. (Exo. 2:5, 3:1; Deut.8:1-2). The Israelites survived for 40 years in the wilderness before possessing their possession. People like David while fleeing from Saul and Elijah while fleeing from Jezebel had their wilderness experiences (1Sam. 23:14-29; 1Kgs. 19:7-18).   The Lord Jesus had a wilderness-gateway experience before commencing His earthly ministry (Lk.4:1-2) Paul was not left out as he went into Arabia for spiritual education before commencing his ministry (Gal.1:17). One thing is common to all the cases: they survived by wisdom. We shall describe wisdom and consider its manifestation in the wilderness.   (A)  WISDOM DESCRIBED   For long there has been a lack of clear definition of the term “wisdom” as it is very composite. But in the context of our message, we define wisdom as the following:  
  • The art of learning how to succeed in life. The ancient learnt that there was orderliness to the world in which they lived, and that success and happiness came from living in accordance with that orderliness (Pro.22:17; 24:22).
  • A philosophical study of the essence of life (Job 30:29-31).
  These 2 definitions are poetic; the first is contextual for our message.  
  • The ability to solve problems or to make profitable use of knowledge (Pro.2:6; 9:10).
  This 3rd definition is of paramount interest. It comes from God, and its primary expression is in the fear of God (Pro.9:10). It was personified as one with the Creator, as beginning before time began (Pro.8:22-30). Wisdom enables one to plan well (Pro.8:14) and so makes for success (Pro.8:18-21,35). It is a terror to the agents of death and destruction (Job 28:22; Pro.3:13-18). It is an irreplaceable agent of prosperity (Pro.4:7; 24:3). Wisdom acts on and grows with knowledge (Pro.1:5; 9:9).   (B)  WISDOM IN THE WILDERNESS   Wilderness in our context is both literal and figurative where it refers to some difficult or dangerous terrain of life (Jer.9:1-2,10,12).   Now there must be the awareness of the Sovereignty and faithfulness of the Almighty (Ps.24:1; Isa.43:10-13; 45:4-7,22; Jer.29:11; 32:27). This will fortify the fear of the Lord which goes with hatred for sin (Pro.8:12; Heb.1:9) and delight to please Him (Isa.11:2; Jn.8:29); and it will guide one to do the needful viz:  
  • Effort is made to stay abreast with God’s word for His direction and pleasure (cons.1Sam.24:4-6; Ps.1:1-3; 119:92; Heb.10:25).
  • There is trust in the Lord (Ps.25:2-4, 9-14).
  • One is vigilant and stays away from danger and resists any suggestion to tempt God (Ps.22:3; Matt.10:16; Jn.7:2-7).
  • One keeps the heart with all diligence and avoids toxic thoughts by accepting whatever God has permitted which one cannot change (Pro.4:23; Jer.29:11)
  • One looks out for opportunities in every challenge to learn (Ps.119:67,71) and to acquire or accomplish something (Eccl.7:14).
  • Sows seeds in others’ lives and be involved in acts of righteousness (Gal.6:7-9).
  • One is diligent and decisive in work (Eccl9:10; Pro.22:29; 12:24; 13:4; Exo.16:16-18).
  • One is frugal and avoids wastage of resources (Pro.21:20; Jn.6:12).
  • One is intentional with ones health (Exo. 23:12; Mk. 2:27; 1Tim. 4:8)
  It is wisdom to acknowledge God in all your ways, as He knows the way through the wilderness, and has capacity to turn everything around to serve His people (Prov.3:5; Rom.8:28).   Wisdom will make one undertake exercises that will beget spectacular performances in a wilderness.
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