Texts: Isa.8:18, 49:5, 58:8-11,14
Subtexts: Eph.5:21-33; Rev.19:6-9
In the course of our exercise, we have treated the following messages:
The Phenomenon of the Proposition; Kingdom Operations; Prioritizing God’s Position; Fasting; the Spiritual Catalyst & Energizer; Humility, A Highly Needed Skill; Holiness, the Hallmark of Conscientious Citizens.
Today, we shall be glancing through the first institution that God made for man which was made to be a type of an incomparable event that will come towards the end of His human-project (Cons. Acts 2:22,23; Rom.8:28-31; Rev.13:8).
We shall be considering the following:
Purpose, Preparation, Process, and Phases of Marriage.
The decision to bring this message during the First Fruit Fasting Fellowship stems from the ignorance found to be exhibited by parents over the marriage issues of their children (before and after wedding). The need to understand the teaching is entrenched by (i) God‟s perspective of marriage (Heb.13:4; Mk.10:7-8), (ii) God‟s jealousy for a healthy church (Matt.18:6-7; 1Cor.3:16,17).
Marriage is the union of a matured man and woman to live as husband and wife (Gen.2:20-24). It is an unforced lifelong covenant between a man and a woman to dwell together as husband and wife. It was established for
companionship (Gen2:18),
completeness (Gen.2:22-24),
procreation (Gen.1:28),
typification of Christ and the church (Eph.5:31-32),
enjoyment (Pro.5:18; Eccl. 9:9),
protection (Eph.5:25; Tit.2:3-5),
support and trust (Eccl.4:9,12; Pro.31:10-11),
adding value to life (1Pet.3:7; Eph.5:33),
the pleasure and glory of God (Rom.11:36; 1Pet.4:11; Rev.4:11).
In life, no great event is undertaken without adequate preparation.
Therefore, marriage should be prepared for, before being undertaken.
Unfortunately, what many prepare for us just the wedding ceremony that
serves as the portal to the relationship, while the proper thing is abjectly neglected!
There is the saying:
he that fails to plan (prepare) has planned (prepared) to fail. This is the bane of many homes today. There is the
pastoral preparation where the church prepares single-adults with information on living as couples (Acts 20:27; 2Pt. 1:12). There is the
parental preparation where the parents prepare their children for a married life. This is done by
practice and
precepts (cons.Pro.22:6; 31:1; Mal.2:15). Encourage them on healthy relationship dynamics including:
setting boundaries, respect for others, when to seek help, challenges couples face in marriage and the place of oneness to overcome, the significance of communication, compromise, trust and mutual respect; financial management (frugality), etc.
There is the
personal preparation: the single and matured believer must ask self if he/she is ready to play the required biblical role in a marriage relationship before ever considering getting into marriage (Lk.14:28-30; Ps.45:10-11; Gen.2:24). One has to prepare
mentally, physically (cleaniness),
materially (residence),
financially (means of livelihood and savings),
spiritually (being able to hear from God so as to get direction).
The church has a laid down procedure for the process designed for holiness and order in the church. Going against such rules amounts to rebellion which constitutes a stumbling block to the health of the church. (Cons. 1Tim.6:3; 2Thess.2:15; 1Cor.3:16,17; 5:6; Matt.18:7).
While the place of parents in the lives of their offspring cannot be gainsayed (cons. Mk.7:10-13), parents are expected to understand that they are subject to the church‟s authority and must not go contrary to the stated rules; and so always endeavour to carry the church along in things that border on their families.
Now, when the brother prays out God‟s will, he goes to the pastor who refers him to the Marriage Committee for his application to be processed. The marriage committee will send him for laboratory investigations, and ultimately interview him to ascertain his testimonies (of salvation) and God‟s leading. Then after, the sister is contacted through her pastor by the Committee and laboratory investigations are also done and her marriageability is confirmed.
If all went well, the brother is given opportunity to share his testimony to the sister, who is given time to pray. If her response is positive, then the duo are sent for
parental consent from both families.
While it is right for parents to desire the best for their children in marriage, it will amount to wickedness for parents to force their children into their own carnal selfish choice instead of God‟s choice (cons. 1Sam.16:6-7; Pro.31:10; Jn.7:24; 1Tim.6:10). Parents must always remember that God‟s choice is always the best (Isa.46:10).
After parental consent, the duo proceeds in
courtship after which other formalities follow (if they have agreed to marry).
Christian parents are expected to declare their stand to the family members so that the traditional wedding will carry a godly Christian taste.
After the traditional wedding, the couple is expected to keep themselves apart until the wedlock (as a matter of respect to the church).
After the wedding ceremony, couples are enjoined to spend more time to adapt to partners than to find faults. They are to communicate and complement each other. Love, wisdom, understanding and submission are to be employed. (1Pet.4:8; Pro.24:3,4; Eph.5:21). These agents will expedite action as they travel to the state of harmony from honey moon phase through haggling phase, hardy phase (endurance), harmony phase.
Knowledge of the truth that marriage is a type of the eternal union of Christ and the church will make one support every marriage to work.
Marriage being honorable and a typification of the relationship between Christ and the church, demands every godly effort to make it work, bearing in mind that the righteous judge will pay all according to their works – spouses, friends, parents, pastors etc. (1Cor. 3:8; 2Cor. 5:10; Gal. 6:7,8; Rev. 2:23)