
DAY 1 Outline – RIDING ON THE HIGH PLACES OF THE EARTH (21-day Yearly Prayers and Fasting – JAN, 2025)




WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP 2025 (PREMIUM EDITION) Day 1 Click to download the outline on PDF:   Theme: RIDING ON THE HIGH PLACES OF THE EARTH (The Era of Juggling in Jubilee Terrain) Texts: Isa.8:18, 49:5, 58:8-11,14 Topic: THE PHENOMENON OF THE PROPOSITION   Welcome to another phase of our journey with the Lord. This year is loaded with Divine promises and assurance and is expected to be an improvement on the former (Prov. 4:18).   As we commence this 21-day exercise, it must be noted that God is faithful and rewards diligent seekers (Deut. 7:9, Heb. 11:6) and so all must be done to show our commitment to getting the best from the Lord. (Gal. 6:7,8) Endeavor to join on-site for optimal enjoyment of corporate anointing (Heb. 10:25; Ps. 133:1-4)   Today, we shall take our introductory message.     Subtexts: Prov. 1:5; Isa. 49:5, 58:8-11,14   The phenomenon of the divine proposition (juggling in the jubilee terrain) is exemplified by an occurrence in nature called Oasis in the desert: said to be due to the existence of high underground water table. (Isa. 58:11)   It buttresses the fact that two persons can be at the same geographical location but subject to different overriding laws, and so experience different phenomena.   It is this understanding that will guide us to appreciate the divine proposal (as every promise is a proposal). So, there are things to expect as well as things expected from us (Deut. 28:1-14; Isa. 1:18)   It is common knowledge that expectation is the “womb” of manifestation so if there is little or no expectation, there will be little or no manifestation. (Mk. 6:1-6; Rom. 5:1-5)   Therefore, we shall explain the promise and in the course of three weeks expound on some principles, promises and proper nouns that need to be appreciated inorder to maximize our benefit in the announced season.     God is a God of times and seasons (Gen. 8:22; Eccl. 3:1-10), and has been dealing with us in this movement thus.   The apostle (God-sent) to the watchman informed us that it is time (season) of restoration, jubilation and praise. And the Lord‟s proposal is for you to juggle in the jubilee-terrain and ride on the high places of the earth.   Since the past three years, the Jubilee terrain/sphere/realm/dimension was opened to us, with all its merits but is yet to be taken advantage of, and enjoyed by many, because of lack of knowledge. (Hos. 4:6; Lk. 19:41-42)   In the Bible times, Jubilee was a sabbatical year that followed the passage of seven “weeks of years” ie the 50th year.   It was a time of economic, cultural, environmental and communal reset; proclamation of liberty to Hebrew servants, return of properties forgiveness of debts, symbolizing manifestation of God‟s mercies. The trumpet of Jubilee was blown in the 50th year on the Day of Atonement, as it was to be a shadow of the true Jubilee that would be expressed by Jesus Christ (Lk. 4:19 )   It is noteworthy that levels of grace vary as does levels of manifestation of God‟s presence (Jn. 1:16; Lk. 5:17; 2Cor. 3:18). So, Jubilee in our context is all about an abrupt increase or quantum leap in the manifestation of God‟s mercies.   This atmosphere makes for greater ease with which things are done in the kingdom. The Lord Jesus operated in this dimension/terrain (Jn. 1:14; 4:31-34, 9:4; Acts 10:38), and so did the early church (Acts 2:41-47, 3:1-8, 41-4, 9:32-40)   When a believer submits to the leading of the Holy Spirit under such atmosphere of grace and glory, the person cannot but perform spectacularly. (Acts 5:15-16, 8:39-40, 19:12; Rom. 8:14,26)   The word „juggling‟ means “To perform tricks of dexterity.” It has to do with the effortless and unfazed performance of a feat. It always catches the attention of bystanders.   In our context, it has to do with uncommon spectacular, splendid performance in the field of endeavor as demonstrated by Abram who with the soldiers trained in his house and a few friends overcame five kings and rescued his nephew (Gen. 14:13-24); Joseph who rose from the prison to     teach the senators of Egypt wisdom (Ps. 105:21-22), Gideon who neutralized the Midianites with 300 men and are apparently harmless strategy (Judg. 7:15-25), David who decapitated the mesmerizing giant at the battle front with the enemy‟s own sword (1Sam. 17:45-51), Nehemiah who weathered the tempest of opposition to complete the restoration of the walls of Jerusalem in a record time (Neh. 6:1-5), Daniel and the three Hebrew children outwitted their mates in all spheres (Dan. 1:10-20, 6:3). The Lord Jesus was the Epitome of a juggler in all fields of expression (Jn. 8:19, Matt. 8:27), Apostle Paul was a juggler (Acts 21:10-13, 20:22-24; 1Cor. 11:1; Phil. 1:21, 3:13-14).   As we do the needful, the Lord is set to make us jugglers and bring us out of obscurity restoring our place and position in our end-time generation (Isa. 58:8, 10-12,14).
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