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FIRST FRUIT FASTING (October 2023) – DAY 2
Today, we shall be looking at how to arrive at the height of performance.
Subtexts: Gal.1:14, Dan.6:1-5
Godās people are called as eagles to access and ride on the high places of the earth and enjoy the attendant blessings (Deut.32:10-14).
Apostle Paul spoke about his excellence in his former faith, and Daniel testified of his distinction amongst his peers. Both men fulfilled the āeagle phenomenonā and so soared in their generations.
Some metamorphosis. The egg is laid, incubated and hatched to birth the eaglet. The eaglet is fed with the right food to mature. The maturing eaglet is taught to fly and hunt. (Deut.32:11; Ps.103:5).
Our ministry, by virtue of name, describes where we belong ā the heights (Ezk.3:15-17, 33:2-10, Isa.62:6, 2 Sam.18:22-27)
Ezekiel, the erstwhile priest, was in a fasting condition when he was distinctly called into the watchman ministry (Ezk.1:1-3, 3:15-17). In Godās kingdom, name given matters; name reflected the destinies of the bearers, and so were either changed or rejected by the educated /knowledgeable if unfulfilling or negative (Gen.17:5,15, 32:24-28, 35:16-18). People may need to change their negative names for positive ones in order to prosper.
The name given by God always conveys His purpose (cons. Lk.1:13, 30-31, Matt.1:21-23), and though in a ministry, spiritual gifts and operations may vary, the grace upon the ministry is released to every true participant of that service, (Jn.17:22, 1 Cor.12:4-7, Phil.1:7). Ours is Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement.
Now, having realized that we are called for high-level ministration (Isa. 49:5,6), no one can afford to be complacent in the church but rather responsible, for whomsoever much is given, from him shall much be required (Lk.12:48).
It is, therefore, time for labour (Prov.14:30, cp 10:22; Gal.6:7). This effort being made is based on implicit trust in the Lord and not in self (Jn.15:26, Phil. 2:13, 2 Cor.4:7).
All genuine spiritual labour yields spiritual ascendancy. As a child of God, enthusiastically engages in prayers, fasting, Bible reading, morning watch/vigils, meditation, praying in scriptures, worship/praise, evangelism, and active participation in church activities, has engaged the galloping gear; and so accelerates and gets into the air.
We have established the fact that we are in the time of prospering through the inspired 44:24-26) and going from glory to glory (2 We saw that galloping is the fastest pace of the horse when all the feet are off the teaches that the Lord desires our best in performance and esteems such performance highly, while He despises the subliminal. (Rev.3:15, Jn 15:26).
The eagle, by birth, has the inherent ability to soar in heights but has to pass through.
The eagle jumps up with a little flapping of the wings to ascend and then soars, so does such little exercises take one to the soaring dimension (Heb.6:10-12, 1 Tim.4:8b).