




Click here to download the Charismatic Hour message:  – 220322- (GOD WILL AVENGE FOR YOU)                                                                                               Charismatic Hour (22/03/22) Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement Topic:                            GOD WILL AVENGE FOR YOU                                        Text:                             Lk. 18:1-8

As believers witness or experience the fierce opposition of the forces of darkness at this end-time, it is necessary that they be enlightened on the truth of God that equips and enables the soul to overcome, hence the message at hand.

God will avenge His elect speedily is the promise of the Lord Jesus.  We shall look at Who His Elect Is and Why He Would Avenge For Them.

(A)     WHO IS THE ELECT? (Lk. 18:6-8;Eph.2:6-10)

The elect of God is those who have been brought into a special relationship with God by grace through faith.  Grace is the undeserved or unmerited favour of God upon men.  God has opened His hands welcoming them who are not qualified to have mercy and come and share in it (Rom. 3:23; Matt.11:28).  It is by faith because we do not see the Lord, but we accept that He has died for us.  Because we have entered a special relationship with God by believing what Jesus has done, we are the elect of God (Rom. 5: 1,2).  Abraham was chosen of God out of His own making or ability, this is grace.  When God told Abraham to leave his father’s house to where He would show him, even though he did not have any knowledge of the place, yet he obeyed; this was by faith (Gen.12:1; Heb.11:8).  Isaac and Jacob followed suit, and the children of Israel, the elect of God (Isa.42:1; 45:4).

One who has entered into and remains in a father-child relationship with the Lord is God’s elect. Such should be able to make reference to it (cons. Isa.38:1-5).  Based on this relationship, God will avenge him speedily. To come into this relationship is by repenting of one’s sins and accepting the sacrifice of Jesus sincerely from the depth of the heart. Such will automatically enter into the group of the elect.

(B)      WHY WILL GOD AVENGE HIS ELECT? (2Cor.6:16-18)

God as a Father, is bound to help anyone who has entered into a relationship with Him.  He is aware of the afflictions of people.  He is touched with their infirmities (cons. Heb.4:15).  His nature abhors oppression (Exo.3:7,9,10; Ps.12:5; 34:19; 44:1-5).  As He remembered Amalek, there is something that the Lord will remember to avenge for His elect (1Sam.15:1-3).  There is mercy and loving-kindness for His elect (Ps.143:8-12).

Arise therefore if you are one of His elects and call upon Him to avenge you of your adversaries.

HSCF 115, 138

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