




Click here to download the Charismatic Hour message:  – 091121- ( WE HAVE AUTHORITY )                                                                               CHARISMATIC HOUR (09/11/21)                            Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement Topic:                         WE HAVE AUTHORITY   Texts:                          Lk.10:19, Eph.1:16-22 INTRODUCTION:

Life on earth is filled with troubles or challenges- depending on the perspective in which the circumstances are viewed (Job 14:1). The individual that is conscious of the fact that he is in God’s will/program and that there is no contingency in His program, will see the troubles as challenges permitted by God to build up and enhance his performance( cons Rom 8:26 )

While this holds for God’s children in His perfect will, it is not so with the rest of the people. There are multitudes within and without the church that are illegally being tormented by the Devil or devils who take advantage of their ignorance to undo them.

Today, I have come to inform you that WE HAVE AUTHORITY/POWER from the King of all kings, to undo what the enemy has done. So, tonight the enemy shall be frustrated out of your life by the power of our Mighty God in Jesus’ name.

The message shall come under the following points: (a) The Adversities of the Adversary (b) The Authority from The Almighty (c)The Application of The Authority.

(A)  THE ADVERSITIES OF THE ADVERSARY (Job 14:1, Jn.10:10, 2Cor.10:3, Eph. 6:11,12)

On seeing the outstanding privilege of enjoying fellowship with God, which Satan has eternally lost, the fallen angel enviously launched out to ruin the glorious experience       ( Gen.1:26,27; 3:1- )

It was Satan triumph over a man that paved the way for the pains and perils of this earthly life ( implied Pro. 29:2 ). Therefore, whatsoever you are going through causing unbearable pressure, pain etc in any aspect of life should be seen as the work of the adversary, and so should be resisted according to scripture.

(B)  THE AUTHORITY FROM THE ALMIGHTY (Jn. 20:21, Lk 10:19, Mk.16:15-18)

The word ‘authority’ means ‘the right and power to command and be obeyed or to do something; delegated capacity to do a thing.’ It always goes with a PROOF (Lk. 10:18-20, Mk.16:15-18,20)

The Lord Jesus came as a Messenger of the Almighty (Jn 8:18,29). And in the course of ministering, Jesus informed that His disciples were to enjoy the privileges that He, sent by God enjoyed (impliedly Jn. 20:21,13:20)

Therefore, as a disciple of Jesus, I have the AUTHORITY of the Father to CRUSH the powers/works of the enemy in your life ( Lk.10:19 ). To ‘tread’ means to ‘trample, Crush, extinguish by stamping it out with one’s feet. ‘Serpents and Scorpions’ are figurative of the hosts of darkness.

The authority was fully conferred on the church after the Lord Jesus had risen from the dead and prior to His ascension into heaven (Mk.16:15-18, Eph.1:19-21)


In the secular life, the law enforcement agent in uniform is aware of his empowerment to enforce the law and knows the populace knows that he has the authority and would respect his orders.

So, he stands on the highway to direct the traffic, arrest offenders, settle disputes involving even more educated, richer, or even physically stronger people.

In the same vein, the believer is to carry the AWARENESS OF THE DIVINE AUTHORITY bestowed on him. Therefore, he applies the authority by FAITH. The early disciples believed the Lord and acted in faith; and so the EVIDENCE or proof was manifested (Mk.16:20, Act.3:1-9, 5:12-16, 8:5-8).

Now, be informed that I have the authority of the Master (representing the GS on the pulpit of many colours) to bless you, and you shall be sumptuously blessed in Jesus’ name. All those works of the enemy in your life constituting a nuisance to your peace shall be CRUSHED In Jesus’ name- the Sickness, Unemployment, Delay of blessings, Perennial mishaps, Premature deaths, Barrenness, Unceasing spate of failure, Demonic attacks etc shall be trampled by the power of God in Jesus’ name.

However, you must put iniquity far from your tabernacle for the BLESSING to be guaranteed   ( Job.11:14-19; Isa.59:1-2).

Let’s rise to wield the authority                      HSCF  110,120

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