




Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 310122- (EPISODES OF JOY)                             WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                         2022 FIRST FRUIT FASTING EXERCISE    Jan. 24 – Feb. 13, 2022                                                                                                    (Day 14)  Theme:          EPISODES OF JOY Texts:            Jer.33:10-13; Zeph.3:14,15; Jn.15:11; 16:24

So far, so good, it has been two weeks of spiritual feasting, and we are set to enter the last third of the program. We trust that He that has led us so far will take us to the destination without incidents.

Yesterday, we saw the need to put new wine in new wineskins indicating a change of thinking and life in general for the new move of the Holy Spirit.

Our message today is a piece of information that can assist in one’s arguments.

Title:  DRAWN INTO DISCIPLESHIP Text:  Matt.9:9-17

There are truths that make earthly existence wonderful and such knowledge will make for more productivity in the kingdom, less stress and strain in personal life; and our message is one of such (Jn.8:32, Prov.24:5, 1:5).

Before the creation, the Godhead had already foreseen the fall of man and had drawn a program of recovery, reconciliation and resurrection to reunite with Christ (Rev.13:8, Rom.8:29-31). In that program, the incarnated WORD will do the job and become the first fruits of an emerging set of unstoppable human/spirit beings (operating in both dimensions) that will live into eternity (Matt.16:18, 1Cor.15:20-23, Eph.2:6,7).

They all are people drawn by God (Jn.6:44,70) procreated by the spirit as they answered the call (Jn.3:1-5), processed as students of Christ by the Spirit to become identical with Christ (Matt.11:29, Gal.5:22-24, Rom.8:19). They are the holders of the mysteries of the kingdom (Jn.3:3, 1Cor.4:1). They were raised to be productive (Jn.15:16).

Now, anyone that chooses to ignore or neglect this wooing of the Lord to continue in his sinful, selfish life of ignorance will miserably regret it in eternity (Heb.2:2-3).

On the other hand, anyone that has answered the call to be a student of Jesus; who faces any challenge has these arguments:

  • Lord, since you own all things (Ps.24:1, Hag.2:8,9) and you drew me into service, protect and provide for me to serve better (1Cor.9:7)
  • Lord, since your word reproves a hoarder of resources at times of famine, will it not amount to keeping the resources dormant in your kingdom while we live in lack? (Prov.11:26)
  • Since you desire the fullness of joy for your disciples, should I not enjoy it? (Jn.15:11, 16:24)

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