




Click here to download the Charismatic Hour message:  – 191021- (BE THOU LOOSED)                                       CHARISMATIC HOUR (19/10/21)                       Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement Topic:                        BE THOU LOOSED Texts:                        Isa.61:1-3; Jn.11:30-44 INTRODUCTION: In the last Charismatic Hour session, we took the message entitled “Bringing down the Bulwarks”. In that message we showed how people are besieged by forces of darkness, thereby hindering their blessings and giving rise to the so-called “near success syndrome” and others. And continuing in that thought-line, today’s message is designed to show that no matter the nature of the stronghold freedom/liberty is possible. Isaiah 61:1-3 was a prophetic revelation of the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus given about seven centuries before it was fulfilled. And John 11:30-44 was one of the numerous incidents that confirmed the fulfilment of the prophecy (Isa.61:1,3). Our message today shall be brought under the following points (A) The Bound In The Church (B) The Breaking Of The Yoke. (A)  THE BOUND IN THE CHURCH (Jn.11:43-44) Lazarus’ immediate appearance following his resurrection (release from the grip of death) is symbolic of the state of the believer that is under a yoke. As earlier said, the yoke could be the consequence of ancestral sins (cons.Gen.3:17-19; Exo.20:5), the declaration of an of authority viz a servant of God, earthly parents and messenger of Satan (Jos.6:26; Zech.3:1-3), or the repercussion of one’s own iniquity like involvement in blood-shedding, idolatry or sorcery (visiting agents of darkness for enquiry or entertainment, identifying with occultic practice or society), immorality or intimate fellowship with a possessed agent of darkness (cons.Gal.6:7; Mal.3:8-10) The bondage is reflected in the miseries suffered. In some cases, the individual will have a monitoring spirit following him/her to destabilize all prospects of success (Zech.3:1-3). In some, the manifestation comes after he/she has married whereby the erstwhile prosperous plunges into poverty (NB the problem could be linked to the victim or to the spouse or to both of them). The bondage could manifest as barrenness (matrimonially, academically, spiritually, etc). The functioning of the erstwhile healthy organs may be impeded. The marriage could become a mini-hell on earth which will be exacerbated (or enflamed) by failure to uphold the basic Christian tenets of love, submission and tolerance (Mt.7:12; 1Cor.6:8; Eph.5: 21-25). There could be protracted/unyielding infirmities that will siphon funds and joy, etc.  (B) THE BREAKING OF THE YOKE (Isa.61:1-3; 49:24,25; 10:27) Yokes vary in strength or resistance; however, all yokes are breakable when confronted by the Power of God (cons. Mt.19:26; Jer.32:27; Ps.62:10). The Lord Jesus went about breaking yokes that held men captive leaving behind a trait of joy all the way (Isa.61:1,3; Mt.4:23; Acts 10:38). Before He left for glory, He informed the disciples that as His Father had sent Him (to break yokes and restore life) so was He sending them (Jn.20:21; cp. 14:12; 13:20). But it must be noted that He worked with principles – He always required the needy to believe (i.e. have faith), and to hunger for deliverance (cons. Mk.6:1-5; 7:24-30; 9:14-29). To make deliverance easier, the needy must renounce the devils and their covenants, and stay clear of sin. The Spirit of God is upon me to bless you and tonight, yokes shall be broken; every unnecessary plant shall be rooted up and shakable shall be shaken in Jesus’ Name (Isa.10:27; Mt.15:13). Let’s rise to receive. HSCF: 120
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