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Weekly Bible Study (29/07/21, 05/08/21, 12/08/21)

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement

Topic:            THE SIGNS OF HIS COMING AND OF THE END OF THE WORLD:                            THE SIGNS OF THE IMMINENCE OF RAPTURE (PART 4)  Text:                            Matt. 24:1-44

INTRODUCTION: In dealing with The Signs of The Imminence Of Rapture, as the most critical aspect of The Signs of His Second Coming/The End Of The World, we have considered: (i) The Signs Of False Christ, Prophets and Teachers, (ii) The Signs Of Wars and Civil Unrest (iii) The Signs Of Famines, Pestilence and Earthquakes, (iv) The Sign Of Persecution and (v) The Sign Of Abounding Iniquity and Its Effect. Still, on the signs that mark the imminence of rapture, we will today, discuss: The State Of The Temple Of Jerusalem, Increase In Gospel Mission Activities and Increase In Travels and Knowledge.

 (vi)     The State Of The Temple Of Jerusalem (Matt. 24:1-4)

Let’s recall that the whole discourse on the signs of Christ=s second coming and of the end of the world stemmed from the disciples= remark on the magnificence of the temple buildings (Matt. 24:1). And when Jesus retorted that time was coming when no one stone of it would be left on top of another, the disciples asked Him A…when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world@?

The signs Christ talked about, particularly that of persecution, commenced its fulfilment shortly after His death, resurrection and ascension into heaven (cp. Acts 4:1-3, 13-21; 5:17-18;7:54-60; 8:1-4; 12:1-4). And in AD 70, the temple of Jerusalem was razed down by the Romans and the Jewish nation was put out of existence as the Jews were scattered all over the world. But in 1948, the Jews returned to Palestine from all over the world and Israel as a nation, was reborn. Since then, there has been a constant struggle between the Israelis and the Palestinians over the land, particularly in Jerusalem. The issue of Jerusalem and who controls it has dominated world history. David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, spoke for all of Israel and said without Jerusalem, there is no Israel (cp. Ps. 137:5. 6).

When Jerusalem was captured by the Israelis in 1967, a major pre-requisite for the end time scenario was met (cons. Lk.21:24).  Today, Jerusalem is a thriving city in Israel. But what is the significance of this to the second coming of Christ? The temple of Jerusalem will be defiled by the  Anti-Christ during the great tribulation as was done by Antiochus who set up an image in the temple in 168 BC (cp. Matt. 24:15,16; Dan. 12:11). And it is from the same Jerusalem that Christ will rule the whole world during the millennium ( cp. Zech. 14:1-4; Rev. 20:4-6).  Although, a Mosque is meanwhile standing in the place of the temple in Jerusalem, soon, the temple (which is currently being constructed by pre-fabrication technology) would be set up, and that will signal the conclusion of all arrangements for the return of the Master. This may take place immediately after the imminent rapture.

(vii).  Increase In Gospel Mission Activities (Matt. 24:14)

Even though the mystery of iniquity is gravely at work and iniquity is everyday abounding (2Thess. 2:7; Matt. 24:12), these last days is witnessing increasing Gospel mission activities than ever before. In Nigeria, for instance, there was no real gospel activity prior to 1970. But since then, and as the day draws closer, real Gospel work and awareness keep increasing, because the Gospel message must reach all nations (whether individuals accept it or not is not the issue) before Jesus returns (Matt. 24:14). Note the revival and spiritual awareness that depict the last days (Joel 2:28-30). Currently, satellites are beaming the gospel to all parts of the world.

(viii).    Increase In Travels and Knowledge (Dan. 12:4)

Evidently, Matt 24 though comprehensive is not exhaustive in its discourse of the signs of the last days. Here, Daniel points to an increase in travel and knowledge as part of the signs that mark the close of the age. One who takes time to examine the rate of travel and increase in knowledge today cannot but agree that there is no more time. Men have gone beyond the earth to outer space, including the moon. And have begun to explore other planets for feasible signs of life. Consider the knowledge exhibited in the present-day information, computer and telecommunication technology.

It is expected of the true believer to read the handwriting on the wall in order not to be deceived (cons. Matt. 24:4; 1Thess. 5:1-6).   Rise and let us pray.                  Fellowship Song: (HSCF 183)

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