
The Unrecognized But Great Friend From Heaven, JESUS, THE SECOND AND THE LAST ADAM (Day 1)




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Charismatic Week (18/08/21)

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement

Theme:                        (The Unrecognized But Great Friend From Heaven)        Day 1                                           JESUS, THE SECOND AND THE LAST ADAM Text:                                 John 1:9-11; 5:1-7; Matt. 8:23-27; Lk. 24:13-32  Today, we are continuing in our special Charismatic Week programme whose goal is to throw so much light that all who care may know Jesus as the angels know him and even as devils know Him. In our first edition of this programme (July 21st -24th), our hearts were illuminated and thrilled as we saw Jesus in one of His forms, i.e. as the seed of the woman (Gen.3:15). The one that spread His hands at death on the cross, The supplier of the needs of the Needy, and The Head of Principalities and powers. Looking back to the intensity of the fire of that revelation message-teaching, we are sure that all those who understood the messages are now rejoicing for the illumination in their minds and the subsequent exploits through same. Let us now progress in our programme of revelation knowledge on Jesus (the Great Friend From Heaven), as we consider Him as THE SECOND AND LAST ADAM. But for us to get proper illumination on JESUS – the 2nd and last Adam, we must first consider the 1st Adam (1Cor.15:45-47).
  1. THE 1ST ADAM (Gen.1:26-27; 2:7; 5:1-2)
From the above Scriptures, the 1st Adam is the 1st human being, a man, created directly by God (not pro-created) and placed in a garden at Eden. We will proceed to see the ruin he brought to his immediate off-springs and to all the human race of all generations, in order to understand the 2nd and last Adam appropriately.
  1. The 1st Adam, The Ruin He Brought (Romans 5:12-14, 16-19, 1Cor.15:20-22, 45-47)
 The 1st Adam, having been deceived by Satan through his wife into disobedience, lost the nature of God which he had at creation (consider Gen.1:26-27 & 3). In his depraved/sinful nature, he had his off-springs (Gen.5:3, Romans 5:12), hence the sinful nature all human beings carry right from birth (Ps.51:5; Romans 5:12). The Bible reveals that through the 1st Adam, all human beings inherited spiritual death (Luke 9:59-60; 15:22-24, Eph.2:1,2,4,5, James 1:15), physical death (Gen. Implied in Gen.2:16-17, Eccl.12:7, Luke 16:19-23; 23:44-46, 2Cor.5:8, Phil.1:23-24) and eternal death, i.e. eternal separation from God into perdition (Isa.66:24, Matt.8:12; 13:41-42,49-43; Mark 9:43-48, Matt.25:41-43). Apart from the above aspects of ruin brought by the 1st Adam, he also brought the ruin of the mesmerization of human beings by Satan, as well as the ruin of diseases and sicknesses (John 7:1-9,14, 1John 3:8).
  1. THE 2ND AND LAST ADAM (1Cor. 15:45-47)
From the above Scriptures, the 2nd and last Adam is Jesus. But the Scriptures did not leave us in ignorance as to what the 2nd and last Adam bough to counter the ruin brought by the 1st Adam, which has been termed, The Remedy From The Second Adam.  THE REMEDY FROM THE 2ND AND LAST ADAM  In God’s indescribable love, the 2nd Adam (Jesus), promised after the fall of the 1st Adam and figured (symbolized) by him (Gen.3:15, Romans 5:14; 1Cor.15:45) was sent by God with a remedy for the ruin of the 1st Adam. His remedy includes righteous nature of sinful nature (Jn.1:12 compare Rom.5:12,15,18,21, 1Jn.3:9), salvation for damnation (Jn.8:33-36, Romans 5:18; 5:10-11), life for death (Jn.11:23-26, Romans 12,16,21 compare 17,21). He brought illumination of the soul (Jn.1:4-5,9). He also brought freedom from ignorance error and sin (Jn.14:6, 8:31-36; 1Jn.3:8). Faith in Him leads to freedom from Satan’s devices and mesmerization and diseases (Jn.5:1-9, 14; Col.1:13; Acts 26:17-18). All these are the experiences of those who repent, receive His Spirit and exercise faith in HIM (Acts 26:18). So, then the 2nd and last Adam (Jesus) is the man with REMEDY.
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