




SUNDAY LIGHT (21/02/21, 28/02/21) Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement   Topic:                    LIVING IN DIVINE AWARENESS (Part 2) Texts:                      Lk.10:23-24, Jn.8:32, Eph.1:16-19   We have shown the need for the church to exercise dominion on earth amidst the perils, while preparing for the bliss of eternity with Christ. We have also noted that one of the areas of paramount importance in the quest to exercise dominion is Awareness (Jn.8:31,32,55).   We did also consider the necessity of awareness of eternity (a realm of timelessness) which awaits everyman; which draws closer every moment that passes; and has two sectors namely: the place of torment, and the place of unprecedented joy (Matt.25:34,41).   Today, we shall be looking at Awareness of the Rapture.   THE RAPTURE Some people argue against the doctrine of the rapture saying that such a word does not exist in the bible, and that the Lord Jesus never mentioned such a word during His earthly ministry.   However, it must be noted that the Bible is a book of concepts (ideas). Rapture came from the latin “rapio” for the two words “caught up” in 1Thess.4:17. The word rapture in English means ecstatic joy or delight, joyful ecstasy, feeling of intense pleasure.   So, the rapture is the concept (idea) of ecstatic joy that will follow the catching up of the saints as experienced by Prophet Elijah (1Thess.4:13-17). The Lord Jesus ministered to the Jews and primarily addressed the events that pertained to them and didn’t delve into matters that pertained to the gentile age within the short time that he had to minister (Matt.10:6, 15:24). Again, He spoke of the coming of the Comforter that will teach the doctrines that He couldn’t unveil (Jn.16:7-13). The Holy Spirit unveiled such through the apostles to the gentiles (Rom.11:13, 1Cor.15:28-32, 1Thess.4:13-17).   The Rapture is an event of the gentile age which will pave the way for the full manifestation of the Antichrist and the great tribulation (2Thess.2:7). After these shall the Lord appear to deliver the Jews (Zech.12:9-10, Acts 1:11). After the rapture comes the marriage supper of the Lamb in (heaven) before the Millennial reign on earth (Rev.19:5-9, 11-14, 17-20). Though no signs were mentioned to precede the rapture, yet there are scriptures that indicate the period (cons. Matt.24:14, 2Thess.2:7). So, when we see the global spread of the gospel (through the satellites) and the express manifestation of the instruments of the Antichrist viz one world government, one world religion, cashless society, use of microchips etc. all should know that the end of the church age is at hand (Lk.21:28-32).   The glory of the rapture stems from the sudden translation from a world of troubles etc. to that of eternal bliss, having escaped the pains of death. It must be noted that the prerequisites for making the rapture are same as going into heaven through physical death (1Cor.6:9,10, Rev.21:27). Any believer that didn’t make the rapture will join the world to taste of the wrath of God that will come upon the earth; and in the unlikely event of such  retaining his faith in Christ, he will make heaven (Rev.16:1-15, Rom.10:13).  
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