Topic: She Did Conceive
Text: 2 Kgs.4:8-17
The God that confirms the words of His servant will never renege in the duty of doing so (Isa.44:24-26). But the attitude of the beneficiaries matter, as the divine response often follows the faith of the beneficiary (cons. Matt.13:57,58). But the prayer warrior can assist the weak in prayer for faith to be kindled.
Isa.44:26 – Pray for the realization of the declarations on the year by all in this Idyllic era.
Gen.1:28 – Pray for the fruitfulness of the diocese in all respects.
Isa.9:11 – Pray that the Satanic cloud over fellowship that brings about “coming and going”, misunderstandings, etc in the church, to
be lifted off.
Matt.13:18-23 – Pray for the word of God to effectively transform the people
Exo.31:1-6 – Pray for the raising of resource personnel to support the church
Heb.5:12 – Pray for the maturation of members in the faith. Let immaturity at all levels be removed.
Ps.21:1-13 – Pray for the GS and family: that the Lord will accomplish their purpose.
Ps.20:1-7 -Pray for the Diocesan Pastor and all ministers and their families: that they all will reach their divine destinies.