




Text: Ezk.20:21 We welcome all the participants in this exercise, and specially appreciate those that have been following. We have been told that the Almighty God who does the unusual, gave us the theme of the program. People shall conceive physically (children), mentally (ideas), and spiritually (visions). And such conceptions shall not be aborted. Now, the messages that we have been receiving are like the vitamins and minerals given at the Ante natal clinic to the pregnant woman. Our text is the lamentation of the Lord over the disobedience of His people saying: they walk not according to my STATUTES (regulations, presumption, terms) neither kept my JUDGMENT (ordinances) which guarantee life to the compliant/obedient. Then God promised to unleash His fury against them. From God’s lamentation and threat, we shall be looking at something that is an instrument that guarantees life, hence our topic. A GUARANTEE is an unconditional commitment that something will happen or that something is true. Life guarantee therefore, is the thing that unconditionally gives or guarantees life. And it is “walking with the word of God”. Before we get into the message, it is necessary to note the following: i). God has been existing in eternity without man. ii). God can do without man; as He has existed without him. iii). Every instruction that God gives to man is principally for man’s own benefit (Deut. 10:12-13). iv). Man is doing himself good by obeying God’s instructions. v). God’s word holds life for every man, and ignoring it is doing so at one’s own peril (Deut. 8:2,3). Possessing the word God guarantees life. What is Life? Life is a comprehensive term denoting the totality of man’s existence. It is derived from God and dependent upon Him for its maintenance (Gen2:7; Ps.36:8; 27:1; 66:7). There is (a) the biological life which is the vital force that animates the body and manifests in breathing (Matt.6:25; Jn10:15,17; Gk psuche (psoo-khay) and (b) life in the absolute sense as God has it Gk : zoe (ezo-ay) (Matt.714; Jn11:25). The Word of God affects both the biological and divine. How Does The Word Work? The Word of God acts both directly and indirectly. Indirect: here, it acts by stirring the Father into action, leading to blessings for the obedient, and punishment for the disobedient (cp. Ezk.20:21; Deut. 7:12-16a; 16b). Also obedience to instruction saves one the consequences of wrong action, for example ADULTERY. (Ps.38) Direct: here, it works by directly affecting the obedient with its quickening or energizing effect (Heb.4:12) Quick: zao (dhah – o) = to live, be alive: living (Matt.16:16); live (Jn.14:19); spiritual life (Jer.6:57); living water (Jn.4:10) Powerful: energes (en-er-gace) = active, operative, literally energetic, effective. The knowledge and understanding of this positive operation of God’s word will make a believer to become addicted to eating the WORD (and not just having the fear of offending God) (Deut.4:40, 10:12,13) It is through this energizing and effective mechanisms that the word of God guarantees life (Deut. 10:13; 11:8,9,13-14) WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT 2021 FIRST FRUIT FASTING EXERCISE 20th Jan. – 9th Feb. 2021 (Day 13) Theme: IDYLLIC ERA OF CONCEPTION AND PARTURITION Topic: LIFE GUARANTEE
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