
DAY 5 Outline – HUMILITY IS A SKILL (21-Day Yearly Prayers and Fasting – JAN, 2025)






Click to download the outline on PDF: WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP 2025 (PREMIUM EDITION) Day 5     Theme:         RIDING ON THE HIGH PLACES OF THE EARTH Texts:             Isa.8:18, 49:5, 58:8-11,14   Topic:            HUMILITY IS A SKILL Subtexts: Pro.15:33, 18:12; 1Pet.5:5-7   Humility is one of the essential qualities that birth a juggler in the kingdom. The Lord Jesus, the unrivalled Performer had it and strongly recommended it (Matt.11:28,29). His message was laced and perfused with references pointing to the need to acquire the precious quality (Lk.14:7-11; 18;9-14; Jn.13:14-15). He was actually the epitome of humility (Phil.2:3-8; Jn.13:4-17).   This unassailable quality is not a talent but a skill. A talent is an innate natural ability that exits independently of one’s effort or desire. But a skill is a learned power of doing something competently; a developed attitude or ability. It is acquired through learning and experience. So it is developed overtime through dedication, education and practice.   Humility does not fall out of the sky into the heart of a beneficiary, but rather developed through a process.   Our message shall come under three questions viz (1) What is humility?  
  • How can I acquire the skill? (3) What profit do I derive from the skill?
  1. What Is Humility?
  The Greek word tapĕinŏphrŏsunē (pronounced tap-i-nof-ros-oơ-nay) was translated humility and the compound word literally means humiliation of mind. It was translated humbleness of mind, humility of mind, lowliness, lowliness of mind.   It is neither inferiority complex nor low self-esteem but rather the awareness that God is All in all, and that what one has was given by the Lord as a matter of grace (Gal.2:20; 2Cor.11:21-30; 1Cor.15:8-10; 4:7; Jn.5:30).   The humble recognizes the divine investments in his life but never brags or behaves unseemly as a result. (Rom. 12:16)     The humble is so consumed with the character of God that self is forgotten. (Jn. 7:18; Phil. 3:13,14) He is more concerned with what he gives than what he gets. (2Cor. 11:26-28; Acts 20:35)  
  1. How Can I Acquire The Skill?
The adorable skill can be acquired by the following dispositions and acts:   Recognize and acknowledge your own shortcomings, strength and limitation. (Ps. 103:14, 130:3, 139:14)   Recognize the strength of others and appreciate them. (Phil. 1:3, 2:3) Listen to and accept others; and adapt to correction. (Prov. 19:20, 10:17) This eliminates the passiveness that builds the walls of arrogance. As a good listener, ensure others feel heard and understood.  
  1. What Profit Do I Derive From The Skill?
Our consideration must be in the backdrop of juggling in jubilee terrain.  
  1. Creation of new perspectives: seeing things from different points of view.
  1. Building of trust with others as two are better than one (Eccl.4:9).
  • Strengthens loyalty as it helps to build loyalty with others. (Prov. 27:17)
  iv.Helps find resources needed to improve bottom line (balance sheet). v. Helps to have better functioning teams. (Eccl. 4:9-12)   vi.Helps to better navigate losses and recover after a fall or loss. So helps one to bounce back. (Prov. 24:16a)   Humility goes with riches and life (Pro.22:4). Spiritually, it thrills God and averts His wrath (1Kgs. 21:19).   It makes Him attend to prayers and to guide and teach (Lk. 18:12-14; Ps.25:9).   Humility makes God to adorn, exalt and favour the humble (Matt.23:11).   The Highly profitable skill will accelerate ascendancy to the grace of juggling in jubilee terrain. (1Pt. 5:5)
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