
AGE OF AWESOME AMAZEMENT (First Fruit Factor – Fictitious Or Factual?)- (Day 2)




Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 240123- (AGE OF AWESOME AMAZEMENT)                             WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                          2023 FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP   Jan. 23 – Feb. 12,      (Day 2) Theme: AGE OF AWESOME AMAZEMENT Texts:   Isa.25:1-8; 26:1-9; Acts 5:11-16

 Yesterday, we glanced at the mechanism of victory revealed by God’s angel to the church: seeking God’s will be done and making reasonable arguments before the court of heaven for desired purposes. It was also described as the principle of perpetual preservation.

We then analyzed the ministration received that promised awesome amazement to those that will see and call upon Him for the Lord’s sake; hence our theme.

We showed that knowledge is essential for effective arguments, and so, we shall explore subject matters that will increase our treasuries.

Topic: FIRST FRUIT FACTOR – FICTITIOUS OR FACTUAL? Subtexts: Gen.4:3-5; Exo.13:12-15; 23:19; Ezek.44:20

The concept of the “first fruits” is not some form of teaching established to hoodwink the unwary into giving their resources to some ostentatious preachers seeking people’s wealth to sustain their wasteful lifestyle, as some think. Neither is it some set of rules put together by preachers that delight to bring people under bondage while the believer is called to be free (Gal.5:1;        ).

However, it must be noted that the bastardization of truth by some persons does not make it fancy or fiction.

The angel of God to the church informed us during the December Retreat that the Lord said “Speak the Word and Heal the People”. The word of God is medicine to the soul (Pro.4:20,22). However, if the word is not understood, much good is not realized (Ps.119:34,73,125; Neh.8:8; Matt.13:19; Heb.4:2).

The concept of the first fruits is one of the mysteries of the kingdom that gender prosperity (Matt.13:10-11). It is one of the kingdom principles (truths) that is understood by the re-procreated (Jn.3:3). The word SEE (GREEK eido) means ‘to know by perception; and suggests ‘fullness of knowledge’ (cp.Jn.8:56)

Let’s delve into the doctrine by defining, describing, and discussing the diverse applications of the subject matter.

 In the Bible times, the first fruit was a religious offering of the first agricultural produce of the harvest. It included the first animal that opened the womb (Exo.13:!2; 23:19).

It was not a compulsory but voluntary practice: left to the discretion of the faithful. (Deut.5:33; 6:23-25; Rom.15:4)

It is a principle that recognizes the preeminence of God in life and acknowledges that everything (resources) possessed came from Him. (Ps.24:1)

It also indicates that when the first fruit is given to the Lord, He will take care of the rest of the produce (Rom.11:16; Pro.3:9,10). So when one makes God his priority, He will reciprocate by making the person His priority (1Sam.2:30).

It was practiced by righteous Abel (Gen.4:4; cp. Mal.1:8) and divinely prescribed to the Israelites (Exo.13:12-13,15; 23:19a; Pro.3:10; Ezek.44:30).

The firstborn is the excellency of a man’s dignity and power (Gen.49:5) and giving him over to the Lord smacks of giving a very valuable gift to Him.

In contemporary times; the concept of first fruits cuts across all initial or first harvests of one’s labour or services rendered.

It recommends giving God that first salary in your new job; the first increase in your new office following a promotion, and the first profit in the new business or location. It covers special annual investment in the kingdom at the beginning of the year; spending the first hours of the day with the Lord in devotion (morning); doing fasting exercises at the beginning of the week or month or year.

All these are expressions of submission to the Lordship of God; recognition of His preeminence and faith in His capacity to provide for and prosper His own. (Deut.8:18; 1Sam.2:30; Ps.24:1; Hag.1:9-11).

Comprehension and appropriation of the concept are likened to building on a rock (Matt.7:24-25; Pro.3:9,10).

The exercise is done by faith else it is a wasted effort (Rom.14:23).

The minister of God has the power to cause God’s blessing to rest upon the faithful (Ezek.44:30).

It is in one’s hand to choose if he will partake of the blessing of the exercise that accords honour to the Lord (Pro.3:9,10; 1Sam.2:30)



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