




Click here to download the First Fruit Fasting message:  – 040122- (THE WINGS OF WISDOM)                                        WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT                     FIRST FRUIT FASTING FELLOWSHIP    APRIL 2022 EDITION   Day 1 Theme:          THE WINGS OF WISDOM          Texts:            1Kgs.3:3-12, 4:21,24-26,29-34, Matt,12:42

The Lord has been unreservedly faithful to us in all dimensions of life, since we put the first fruits principle into practice (Prov.3:6-10).

In this edition, we shall be assaying the supreme quality that the Lord recommends to mortal men – wisdom (Prov.4:7).

Our texts pertain to the request of King David’s successor for ability to effectively oversee God’s great people vis-à-vis the divine response that transformed him to an icon of wisdom; and then the revelation of a Greater-than-Solomon.

In this 3-days exercise, we shall glance at (A) The Wealth of Wisdom (B) The Wonders of Wisdom (c) The Wings of Wisdom

Topic:      The Wealth of Wisdom

Subtexts:  Prov. 3:13-18, 4:7

Wealth is simply abundance of possessions (valuables, money etc) or plentiful supply of a particular desirable thing. So, we shall be considering the various desirable expressions of wisdom.

In the old testament “wisdom” was translated from  the Hebrew word Chokmah (pron. Khok-maw) which came from the root word chakam (khow-kam) which means “to be wise (in mind, word or act)” “Chakam” was viewed as a mastery of the art of living in accordance with God’s expectations. It was viewed as a process of attainment and not accomplishment. Secularly, it signified a skillful craftsman. Chokmah refers to technical skills or special abilities in fashioning something (Ex.28:3); the knowledge and the ability to make the right choice at the opportune time (1Kgs 3:8-12).

In the New Testament, the Greek word “Sophia” was used which covers skills in the assignment of affairs (Acts 6:3), varied knowledge acquired by acuteness and experience, and summed up in maxims and proverbs (Matt.12:42); act of interpreting dreams and giving sagest advice (Acts 7:10); prudence in interacting with men (Col.4:5) skill and discretion in imparting truth (Col.1:28,3:16); supreme intelligence, such as belongs to God and Christ (Jud.25, Rom.11:33).

So, wisdom in our context is a compound quality that consists of knowledge and ability to effectively/profitably use it. It cuts across intelligence and talents that enable divinely approved dominion on earth (Gen.1:28, Ps.115:16, 1Kgs.4:29-31, Eccl.10:10).

It is not devoid of the critical element called fear of the Lord (Job 28:28, Ps.111:10, Prov.9:10). There are 3 kinds of wisdom viz. Human, Hellish and Heavenly. The human is neutral or natural; the hellish is from hell and the heavenly is of God (Jas.3:14-17). Functional wisdom will make for wealth and prosperity in all spheres or aspects of life: health, finances, matrimonial life, academic life, Career, business.

Wisdom announces the beneficiary to the world (Prov.1:20,33, 8:14-21, 11:29,25,17,8,5,2, 1Kgs.4:29-31).

It is assessed through exercises and divine impartation (Jas.1:5; Pro.13:20).

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