




Click here to download the Charismatic Hour message:  – 071221- (THE MIGHTY MAN HATH STUMBLED AGAINST THE MIGHTY )                                                  CHARISMATIC HOUR   (07/12/2021)                              Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement Theme:        THE MIGHTY MAN HATH STUMBLED AGAINST THE MIGHTY Text:            Jer.46:7-17 INTRODUCTION:

Our text is part of Prophet Jeremiah’s prediction that Pharaoh Necho with all the forces of Egypt and her allies will wage war against Babylon and be defeated.  Verse 12 which forms the title of this message, foretold how the Egyptians will fall on one another in defeat.

Pharaoh Necho had defeated Judah and killed King Josiah at Megiddo in 609BC (2Chron 35:20-27), but four years later Nebuchadnezzar defeated Necho at the famous Battle of Carchemish in 605BC, the fourth year of Jehoiakim (Jer. 46:1-2).  When the Egyptian army in their campaign to conquer the whole world approached the battlefield, they looked like the Nile in flood season (46:8a). The military leaders were sure of victory (v. 8b), and their mercenaries were eager to fight (v. 9), but the Lord had determined that Egypt would lose the battle.  For that day was the day of the Lord’s vengeance against His adversaries.  It was a “holy war” in that God offered Egypt as a sacrifice (v. 10).  The Egyptians not only fell over but also fell upon one another in their haste to escape (46:13-16). Their mercenaries cried, “Arise and let us go again to our own people, and to the land of our nativity” (v. 16), and they deserted their posts. Necho and his allied forces suffered defeat because of their opposition to God’s decision (cons. Jer. 27:5-8).

At this time that the Almighty God is on a recovery mission in the WATCHMAN, all your enemies will fall over, and upon one another in their haste to escape in Jesus Name.  They will regret attacking you (v.12; cons. 1Sam. 30:8; Isa. 11:11).  God who caused those that opposed Nebuchadnezzar to fall, will cause them that oppose you for the sake of the Watchman vision to fall in Jesus’ Name!

Last week, we considered the message titled: “God Will Surely Deliver”; in that message, we showed the tribulation of the covenanted and the testimony that follows.

Today, we shall be considering the following sub-headings (a) Who are the true members of the Movement? (b) What is the fate of the enemy?


These are all the people that have identified with the vision of the Movement i.e.

(i) Yielded to the Lordship of Jesus (2Cor.5:21,15);

(ii) Living to accomplish the objectives of the movement to the best of their ability (Isa.49:5,6).

(A)  THE FATE OF THE ENEMY (Jer. 46:10-17).

The enemy is anything (visible or invisible) that is directly or indirectly standing against your well-being (physically, spiritually, materially, matrimonially).

In His recovery mission, the Almighty has as it was declared a “holy war” against your ‘Egyptians’, whose wounds will be incurable, and their shame inevitable. He is a patient God, but when He judges, He does it perfectly (Jer. 46:10-12, 16-17;  cp. Ps. 11:6,  37:12-15, 105:24, 106:9-12, 108:9-13, 112:1-10, 132:9-18).

Let’s rise to taunt the enemy and declare the infallible Word of God that the enemies have stumbled.


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