INTRODUCTION: Our text was a prophecy against Egypt, the then regional power. Pharaoh the king of Egypt had exerted his influence over all the region, having conquered Judah under the leadership of the godly king Josiah, en route to Carchemish, to conquer the Assyrians (2Chr.35:20-24, 36:1-4).
The word of the Lord which came to the prophet showed how the erstwhile mighty nation Egypt, will woefully fall (Jer.46:10-13,18). And it came to pass as prophesied! (cons. 2Chro.36:1-7).
In like manner, as sure as Tabor (a mountain in the valley of Jezreel which served as a boundary point for the tribes of Naphtali, Issachar and Zebulun: Jos.19:22) is among the mountains, and as Carmel (a towering mountain located on a plain along the Mediterranean Sea) by the sea, so shall the declarations of this Charismatic Hour come, in Jesus’ name (Jer.46:18).
There may be people who irrespective of the messages of hope being delivered in the church, are yet wondering what the future holds for them; some have been so stressed that they have become weary of life (Job 3:1-3, 11-25, Ps.59:1-11, Matt.26:38-40, Lk.22:44, Jn.12:27). There may even be those contemplating putting an end to their Christian faith because of ceaseless disappointments or other miseries surrounding them (cons. Jer.20:7-10, 14-18). Some might have concluded on a date, after which they leave the church as Demas did (2Tim.4:10). Are there not people that have compromised already because of the troubles around them?
One must see all these circumstances challenging his salvation, peace, joy, health, sustenance, family, academic pursuit, future as temporary (cons. Ex.14:13, Lk.22:37c). One must see the factors behind the prevailing conditions irrespective of their degree/duration as the enemies that have no other choice than to leave!
What is the Basis of the Assertion?
The Watchman is in a favourable period (S of S 2:11-13, Eccl.3:1-8). The angel of the Lord has made formidable decrees: the enemy shall proceed no further, Watchmen entered the year 2011 as strange people, Watchmen are wonders; in March 2011, Watchmen have moved to another level (cons. Heb.11:12, 2Tim.3:8,9, Ps.71:1-13, 20-24, 72:1). This month he declared Psalm 20:1-5 upon the watchmen; Halleluya!.
The infallible word of God is saying that ‘Pharaoh (that apparently mighty thing) is but a noise (a sound due to irregular vibration; a sound which causes discomfort to the hearer)’ (Jer.46:17 cp. Num.23:19, Matt.24:35, Rom.3:4a).
Remember: ‘sound’ is just an effect, and not a substance (ie not tangible); so that enemy of yours is not a substance as far as our God is concerned! (2Cor.5:7; cp. Ps.23:4)
Let’s rise to pray to say that the counsel of the Lord is the bottom line.
HSCF 120